In lugnet.loc.us.oh.cle, Darrin Bowers writes:
> Would you guys be up for an observer? I have never played BW but I am a gamer,
> and I have been working on rules for a lego wargame in the "Micro Fig" scale
> rather than the Mini Fig scale. I am a Cleveland native living in Kent for the
> last ten years.
Since we're probably going to play at Adrian's place, he has the final say.
But, we've often had spectators. For that matter, we often have first-timers.
The rules are readily available at http://www.brikwars.com/.
If you have experience at any wargames, you'll probably do fine. The rules
are akin to WarHammer. So if you have experience with that, it should be
particularly easy.
On a related note, I am thinking about holding a BrikWars game for NOWS.
They are a wargaming club based near Hopkins. Would any BW veterans be
interested in helping?
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