In lugnet.loc.us.oh.cle, Adrian Drake writes:
> I think i'd rather the last weekend in April. Saturday or Sunday would be
> good either way, but since we got to get up for work the next day , I'd
> marginally prefer Saturday.
That weekend would be great for me. However, it is a lot easier for me to do
Sunday than Saturday. I can probably be free Saturday evening, if you want to
get started or do prep.
> I'm thinking TL2. There's more of a reliance on the individual trooper
> there. The only problem is fielding the armies we'd need. I've got my
> ninja, you and Eric have enough Castle figs, but I know my friend Chris
> doesn't have that much Lego.
I can field at least two TL2 armies in the 100 CP or so range. I can
probably muster a third even. We could also consider a strange army. Wizards,
ghosts, skeletons,...
> Terrain's another question. Should we come up with a nice storyline? Then
> we have a couple of weeks to build something (or procrastinate til the last
> second and do it all the day before)
Let's try someting weird. A storyline in advance. I was thinking that a
town setting would be fun. It should be easy for anyone who wants to
contribute some medieval buildings. Sort of like how we built Drakeville.
Then we can have some NPC's. Or someone can play town folk. That leaves a
local lord's force, an invading lord and one or more allies of each. The ninja
can be hired guns for the invader. We need to nail a number players for this
to be fleshed out. We could also have a small keep in the town. The keep
defenders and city defenders could be seperate armies, if we want.
> > [_Bulletproof_Monk_]
> Eventually, but probably not in theaters. I have lots of free DVD rentals
> at Blockbuster, so maybe I'll just wait a bit :)
> > BTW2, have we started plans for a trip to GenCon?
> I'm thinking of going for the Saturday to visit with a friend of mine from
> Minnesota who's coming down. I would probably stay at my parents' house in
> Dayton though, so no carpooling.
Ok. Anybody else interested in going?
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: How but some destruction
| (followups trimmed per Lar's nagging) I'll open it up for the whole weekend, then. Saturday can be a build-fest (such that Bram can get involved) wherein we can put together whatever buildings and terrain we may want, and Sunday can be Brikwarsin' (...) (22 years ago, 4-Apr-03, to lugnet.loc.us.oh.cle, lugnet.org.us.bloc)
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