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Re: How but some destruction
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.gaming
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 01:16:37 GMT
25 times

I talked with one of my co-workers, and he'd be up to joining us.  He's not
a huge Lego collector, but he was into it when he was a kid.  Plus, he likes
RPG's so he would probably dig a game of Brikwars.  We'd just have to supply
him with an army.  What about Eric?  I wonder if he's still hiding
somewhere.  A nice 4 way battle could be fun.

Would you guys be up for an observer?  I have never played BW but I am a gamer,
and I have been working on rules for a lego wargame in the "Micro Fig" scale
rather than the Mini Fig scale.  I am a Cleveland native living in Kent for the
last ten years.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How but some destruction
(...) Since we're probably going to play at Adrian's place, he has the final say. But, we've often had spectators. For that matter, we often have first-timers. The rules are readily available at (URL) If you have experience at any wargames, you'll (...) (22 years ago, 4-Apr-03, to,,, lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How but some destruction
(...) Sorry to hear. Hope things are working out. (...) I talked with one of my co-workers, and he'd be up to joining us. He's not a huge Lego collector, but he was into it when he was a kid. Plus, he likes RPG's so he would probably dig a game of (...) (22 years ago, 1-Apr-03, to,,, lugnet.gaming)

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