In lugnet.loc.us.oh.cle, Gino A. Melone writes:
> In lugnet.loc.us.oh.cle, Adrian Drake writes:
> > Easter won't work, I'll be out of town. May's also pretty well booked up. So
> > if we want, it'd have to be next weekend (the 12-13th) or the last weekend in
> > April (26-27). This weekend could work, but in order to get my Lego area
> > tidied up I need quite a bit of time.
> This weekend is already booked for me, anyway. Either of the others has
> possibilities, though. Which would you prefer?
I think i'd rather the last weekend in April. Saturday or Sunday would be
good either way, but since we got to get up for work the next day , I'd
marginally prefer Saturday.
> What about genre for BW? I can field a couple armies at TL2 and TL5-6. I've
> been thinking about proposing a modular scenery system. I was reading some
> literature from conventional wargames. We have some built in standards. The
> dimensions of baseplates,.... However, we could build modular terrain to bring
> to an event. Maybe 2x2 blue-baseplate squares. Road/paths/water at x-pips in
> from the corner. That sort of thing. Thoughts?
I'm thinking TL2. There's more of a reliance on the individual trooper
there. The only problem is fielding the armies we'd need. I've got my
ninja, you and Eric have enough Castle figs, but I know my friend Chris
doesn't have that much Lego.
Terrain's another question. Should we come up with a nice storyline? Then
we have a couple of weeks to build something (or procrastinate til the last
second and do it all the day before)
> BTW, I've been reading some about _Bulletproof_Monk_. Are you planning to go
> see it?
Eventually, but probably not in theaters. I have lots of free DVD rentals
at Blockbuster, so maybe I'll just wait a bit :)
> BTW2, have we started plans for a trip to GenCon?
I'm thinking of going for the Saturday to visit with a friend of mine from
Minnesota who's coming down. I would probably stay at my parents' house in
Dayton though, so no carpooling.
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