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Re: How but some destruction
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.gaming
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 00:28:10 GMT
29 times
In, Gino A. Melone writes:
In, Adrian Drake writes:
Easter won't work, I'll be out of town.  May's also pretty well booked up.  So
if we want, it'd have to be next weekend (the 12-13th) or the last weekend in
April (26-27).  This weekend could work, but in order to get my Lego area
tidied up I need quite a bit of time.
This weekend is already booked for me, anyway.  Either of the others has
possibilities, though.  Which would you prefer?

I think i'd rather the last weekend in April.  Saturday or Sunday would be
good either way, but since we got to get up for work the next day , I'd
marginally prefer Saturday.

What about genre for BW?  I can field a couple armies at TL2 and TL5-6.  I've
been thinking about proposing a modular scenery system.  I was reading some
literature from conventional wargames.  We have some built in standards.  The
dimensions of baseplates,....  However, we could build modular terrain to bring
to an event.  Maybe 2x2 blue-baseplate squares.  Road/paths/water at x-pips in
from the corner.  That sort of thing.  Thoughts?

I'm thinking TL2.  There's more of a reliance on the individual trooper
there.  The only problem is fielding the armies we'd need.  I've got my
ninja, you and Eric have enough Castle figs, but I know my friend Chris
doesn't have that much Lego.

Terrain's another question.  Should we come up with a nice storyline? Then
we have a couple of weeks to build something (or procrastinate til the last
second and do it all the day before)

BTW, I've been reading some about _Bulletproof_Monk_.  Are you planning to go
see it?

Eventually, but probably not in theaters.  I have lots of free DVD rentals
at Blockbuster, so maybe I'll just wait a bit :)

BTW2, have we started plans for a trip to GenCon?

I'm thinking of going for the Saturday to visit with a friend of mine from
Minnesota who's coming down.  I would probably stay at my parents' house in
Dayton though, so no carpooling.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How but some destruction
(...) That weekend would be great for me. However, it is a lot easier for me to do Sunday than Saturday. I can probably be free Saturday evening, if you want to get started or do prep. (...) I can field at least two TL2 armies in the 100 CP or so (...) (22 years ago, 4-Apr-03, to,,, lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How but some destruction
(...) This weekend is already booked for me, anyway. Either of the others has possibilities, though. Which would you prefer? What about genre for BW? I can field a couple armies at TL2 and TL5-6. I've been thinking about proposing a modular scenery (...) (22 years ago, 2-Apr-03, to,,, lugnet.gaming)

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