| | Re: Product Suggestions:- Thunderbirds & NASA
(...) ranges. (...) JPL can make that kind of decision in a reasonable amount of time (Hot Wheels mars landers stuff). Admittedly, Cal Tech runs JPL for NASA, so it's not quite the same thing. They'd probably jump at the chance to get a satellite or (...) (25 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to lugnet.fun)
 | | Re: Product Suggestions:- Thunderbirds & NASA
(...) <snip> (...) ALEX: That only gives NASA 8 years to make a desicion. It'll never happen... SteveC NASA contractor scum (25 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to lugnet.fun)
 | | Re: Product Suggestions:- Thunderbirds & NASA
(...) ranges. (...) At least you HAVE a space-programme. Here in the UK we don't (unless you count the European Space Agency) and a number of small independent sat- firms. Incidnetally, Still intrested in the fan-zine idea? It's just I didnt' get a (...) (25 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to lugnet.fun)
 | | Re: Product Suggestions:- Thunderbirds & NASA
(...) <Original proposal snipped.> (...) I think some reasearch labs ALREADY use Lego in thier resaerch and inital prototyping. So the traffic might be two way. (MIT positivly flocked to Mindstroms when it came out / were asked to investigate). (...) (25 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to lugnet.fun)
 | | Re: Product Suggestions:- Thunderbirds & NASA
(...) Supercar! Wheee! And Fireball XL-5 and Stingray and Captain Scarlet and Joe-90 and... "Fire 1!" "Fire 2!" "Fire 3!" "Supercar is go!" (or something like that) Ooh - MasterSpy and Zaroff minifigs! (Don't mind me - my age is showing!) (25 years ago, 7-Sep-00, to lugnet.fun)
 | | Re: Product Suggestions:- Thunderbirds & NASA
(...) I just now sent you an e-mail reply, but yes, I am still interested. It sounds like fun. I just hope I can find good stuff to write about... (...) try this: (URL) (...) We actually sponsor one of those LEGO robotics competitions with regional (...) (25 years ago, 8-Sep-00, to lugnet.fun)
 | | Re: Product Suggestions:- Thunderbirds & NASA
(...) Don't forget Parker and Hood! Greetings, M. Moolhuysen Visit the Thunderbirds site on BBC-online: (URL) felt soo right to type "Thunderbirds" in the searchbox and then hit the button "Go" :-) Greetings, M. Moolhuysen (25 years ago, 9-Sep-00, to lugnet.fun)