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 FAQ / 666
    [FAQ] Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from LEGO®? —Robert Munafo
   Subject: Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from LEGO&reg;? Topic-Level: 1 Content-Language: en Originator: Jeremy Sproat, 1999-05-05 Revision: Robert Munafo, 1999-07-21 Location: /market/shopping/ <p>There are two online (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq)
        Re: [FAQ] Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from LEGO&reg;? —Selçuk Göre
    Robert Munafo wrote in message ... (...) but (...) sets.</p> (...) directed (...) find (...) set of (...) some (...) be (...) Do not forget "etoys" at (US adresses only) and Amazon at (anywhere on earth) Selçuk Göre (25 years ago, 23-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq)
        Re: [FAQ] Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from LEGO&reg;? —Robert Munafo
   (...) No. The question was "Is there somewhere [...] directly from LEGO(r)?". Mentioning non-LEGO companies is outside the scope of the question. - Robert Munafo (25 years ago, 23-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq)

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