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[FAQ] Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from LEGO®?
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 20:41:34 GMT
2715 times
Subject: Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from
Topic-Level: 1
Content-Language: en
Originator: Jeremy Sproat, 1999-05-05
Revision: Robert Munafo, 1999-07-21
Location: /market/shopping/

<p>There are two online order sites affiliated with the LEGO&reg; group, but
neither allows you to order what you would call "ordinary" LEGO model sets.</p>

<a href="">
PITSCO Dacta Online Store</a>
allows you to order anything in the Dacta catalog, most of which is directed
primarily at classroom applications. However, experienced builders will find
the "spare parts" section particularly interesting; here you can order a set of
assorted yellow plates, or a package of 100 8-tooth gears. Unfortunately, some
colors and many types of parts (most notably tiles) are not offered.</p>

<a href="">
LEGO&reg; World Shop</a>
sells only the Technic CyberMaster and Mindstorms products. They claim to be
the sole source of the temperature and rotation sensors, but these are
available from PITSCO-Dacta as well.</p>

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: [FAQ] Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from LEGO&reg;?
Robert Munafo wrote in message ... (...) but (...) sets.</p> (...) directed (...) find (...) set of (...) some (...) be (...) Do not forget "etoys" at (US adresses only) and Amazon at (anywhere on earth) Selçuk Göre (25 years ago, 23-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq)

Message is in Reply To:
  autoFAQpost /market/shopping/~u.tlg_online_ordering.en.faq
Subject: Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from LEGO&reg;? Topic-Level: 1 Content-Language: en Originator: Jeremy Sproat, 1999-05-05 Location: /market/shopping/ <P>NO_ANSWER</P> (25 years ago, 12-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq)

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