[FAQ] Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from LEGO®?
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 20:41:34 GMT
2715 times
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Subject: Is there somewhere online where I can order sets directly from
Topic-Level: 1
Content-Language: en
Originator: Jeremy Sproat, 1999-05-05
Revision: Robert Munafo, 1999-07-21
Location: /market/shopping/
<p>There are two online order sites affiliated with the LEGO® group, but
neither allows you to order what you would call "ordinary" LEGO model sets.</p>
<a href="">
PITSCO Dacta Online Store</a>
allows you to order anything in the Dacta catalog, most of which is directed
primarily at classroom applications. However, experienced builders will find
the "spare parts" section particularly interesting; here you can order a set of
assorted yellow plates, or a package of 100 8-tooth gears. Unfortunately, some
colors and many types of parts (most notably tiles) are not offered.</p>
<a href="">
LEGO® World Shop</a>
sells only the Technic CyberMaster and Mindstorms products. They claim to be
the sole source of the temperature and rotation sensors, but these are
available from PITSCO-Dacta as well.</p>
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