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 Fabuland / *543 (-10)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives Episode VIII
Delicious work as always, Mark. When is one of the supermarket soap digests going to pick up your stories? -Teddy (18 years ago, 2-Nov-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Numbers on Minifigs
From: "Sybrand Bonsma" <> (...) piece (...) Grazie, thank you! Mo --, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: (URL) Sponsor: Scegli il tuo canale musicale con un click! * Entra in Clicca qui: (URL) (18 years ago, 2-Sep-06, to lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: Numbers on Minifigs
(...) following: In a LEGO-mold a number of pieces are produced simulataneously (e.g. say 20 2x4 bricks at the same time). Each of these pieces has a different number (so for the bricks from 1 to 20) to be able to identify which part of the mold the (...) (18 years ago, 2-Sep-06, to lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives Epsiode V
(...) Episode V already! I really have some catching up to do. I did enjoy episode I very much, but the others I did not see yet due to lack of time. I should make some time free to see also the other episodes. Best regards, Sybrand (18 years ago, 2-Sep-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives Episode IV
(...) Oops! Sorry that this posted twice! That must be annoying... (18 years ago, 20-Jun-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives Episode I redux
(...) Im sure I will, I did check out the next two episodes after posting, and enjoyed them both as well, totally cracked up at the whole "knee" scene. I really enjoy how you throw in the "reality of the brick" sort of joke in now and then. Now Im (...) (18 years ago, 17-Jun-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Numbers on Minifigs
(...) I lost the US version of the Hospital instructions. I would love to scan it for you, because that is so weird. Here's my theory as to why they discontinued Fabuland: The whites of their eyes! When they changed the figures from the black eyes (...) (18 years ago, 17-Jun-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives Episode I redux
(...) Thanks Red Brick! I am having fun doing the series and it's nice to hear some feedback. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series & I hope your laptop cleaned up okay. --Mark (18 years ago, 17-Jun-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives Episode I redux
(...) I have visited your site a number of times to check out the mocs (which are very impressive) but didn't have the time to read the episodes until now... man. There is some funny stuff in there.... Love the dialogue between Marty and Piper, when (...) (18 years ago, 17-Jun-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Numbers on Minifigs (PS)
P.S. (...) with (...) gender in (...) I've posted sometimes ago the instruction of the Hospital in Italian, but I didn't remember where... I remember it was an archive of Fabuland instruction. Boh... Bye --Mo --, the professional e-mail, (...) (18 years ago, 16-Jun-06, to lugnet.fabuland)

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