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 Fabuland / *508 (-10)
  Re: More Fabuland MOCs
(...) Hi Mark, Very, very nice. I really like the diversity in the houses you have made. Especally the city hall looks nice. Also all the interior is done beautifully. i can't wait till the episodes appear. Keep up the good work, Sybrand P.S. is it (...) (19 years ago, 15-Jan-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: More Fabuland MOCs
(...) two pieces? :) Thanks Erik. I'm glad you appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time to check it out! (URL) --Mark (19 years ago, 12-Jan-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: More Fabuland MOCs
(...) Very cool! Fabuland must have some grown-up furniture stores. (you know, the kind of furniture that doesn't just snap together from two pieces.) -Erik (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  More Fabuland MOCs
Just updated (URL) with more original creations. Check them out: Gavin Gorilla and Gregor Goat's house interior: (URL) Lila Lamb and Marty Monkey's kitchen and living room (URL) THe exterior of Hunter Horse's Pub (URL) Bianca Lamb and Evan Elephant (...) (19 years ago, 9-Jan-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)  
  Re: New Fabuland MOCs
(...) Great town settings and you have captured some quite different building styles with the bigger Fabuland pieces. pete.w (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: New Fabuland MOCs
From: "Mark Larson" <> (...) more to (...) of (...) people (...) think (...) E' stupendo!!!! I love it! How about a link exenchage? My site is (URL) you quit now, they win" (XF:FtF) (URL) XFiles, Lego e tanto altro (URL) i (...) (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to lugnet.fabuland)
  New Fabuland MOCs
I just launched a new fan-created site with a lot of Fabuland MOCs and more to come. The site revolves around unique stories told with LEGOs, the first of which is the night-time drama, Fabuland Housewives. I hope the five people who check this (...) (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)  
  4 New Fabuland Key Chains added to Bricklink
I´m glad to present 4 New (20 years old) kinds of Fabuland Key Chains not listed on Bricklink before. These are: (URL) Rootzén, Sweden (19 years ago, 7-Nov-05, to lugnet.fabuland)
  does anybody want a door?
Hey y'all, I have a single yellow door to a Fabuland garage block (part # x655c02 = entire block, door is not listed separately on Peeron). It's originally from the Taxi station set (128-1, or 338-2, depending on which way you want to look at it). (...) (19 years ago, 28-Sep-05, to lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: Chess set
(...) Interesting ideas, they would work, but I am traditional enough that I would prefer having each piece for each side for each position mirror the other except for some color designation. I have a fairly decent size Fabuland population and I (...) (19 years ago, 7-Aug-05, to lugnet.fabuland)

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