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 Events / NWBrickCon / 109
108  |  110
10 Days
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Thu, 21 Aug 2003 14:20:19 GMT
2968 times
Ten days left in registration to guarentee your name badge.  After the 1st of
Sept, we won't be sure to be able to get it to you by NWBC opening.

We still have plenty of room for vendors, classes and MOCs.  So if you're
interested in hosting a class or selling to fans and public alike contact Wayne
to get your space.

So, send in those forms, contact Wayne Hussey ( for
requests for space, and build!  We'll see you in October!

Mark Neumann

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 10 Days
(...) I realise that if you haven't built a web based registration system that's a lot to ask for at this point. However... in my view, if at all possible, you seriously ought to consider fax or email registration form acceptance, and PayPal(tm) (...) (22 years ago, 21-Aug-03, to

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