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| House of Bricks History 101. As one of those who was intimately involved in both the naming of House of Bricks and the dissolution of MSFFA Illinois (the parent organization for the first HoB/2BeContinued), the name House of Bricks was created by (...) (18 years ago, 12-Jan-07, to lugnet.events.brickworld)
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| (...) John - thanks for more of the background on HoB...I hadn't even heard officially that 2BeCon had completely crashed...that's a shame... As to your offer of a corset...I would love to have a corset there as long as SeerSee (sp?) is wearing it (...) (18 years ago, 12-Jan-07, to lugnet.events.brickworld, FTX)
| |  | | Re: BrickFest 2007
| (...) Thanks for the history, Jon! I got the chicagohouseofbricks domain handed to me when I coordinated Hob 2006, but to be honest, I'm leaving it alone. Concerning the Chicago thing, it ultimately fell through. No worries. Looking forward to (...) (18 years ago, 12-Jan-07, to lugnet.events.brickworld, FTX)
| |  | | Re: BrickFest 2007
| (...) Agreed - I'll miss a really weird, wonderful mix of LEGO and SF/Fantasy. Off the cuff, can anyone else thing of other such "crossover" events for LEGO and SF/Fantasy conventions? (...) Cersei. And I'm sure she picked that handle for a reason. (...) (18 years ago, 12-Jan-07, to lugnet.events.brickworld, FTX)
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