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 Events / BrickWorld / 219
  Brickworld Security Issues
Well I thought security was pretty good at Brickworld, especially when I wasnt wearing my tag, and I had to show the guard my tattoo just to get in the door.... but a quick look at Flickr and I see there was an issue that Im sure no one would have (...) (18 years ago, 28-Jun-07, to  
  Re: Brickworld Security Issues
(...) I was a touch surprised when they just handed me my wristband. I'm used to folks at various events putting them on your writst themselves. To bad she thought it was lame. Clearly not an AFOL. (18 years ago, 28-Jun-07, to
  Re: Brickworld Security Issues
(...) What amazes me is that she went at all. She had decided it was going to be lame before she even got there and then committed a crime - I believe what she did constitutes defrauding BrickWorld. Why would you go to an event you had no real (...) (18 years ago, 28-Jun-07, to
  Re: Brickworld Security Issues
(...) Perhaps she's one of those angry people who just needs something to crab about all the time. :-) As was mentioned...clearly not an AFOL. The good news is, she probably won't come back next year to spread her bad juju/karma/energy. :-) -Dave (18 years ago, 28-Jun-07, to
  Re: Brickworld Security Issues
(...) I particularly liked the part where she said "it was crowded" least that means a good turnout, right? And 10 minutes isn't near enough time to stop and look at the detail on anything, to see what little bits of fun people put into their (...) (18 years ago, 28-Jun-07, to
  Re: Brickworld Security Issues
(...) I have to wonder, if she thought it was lamer than she expected and she expected it to be lame, what would have been necessary for her to either (1) change her mind and determine that she was wrong and it was not lame or (2) not have lame (...) (18 years ago, 28-Jun-07, to

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