| | Re: Biomechanical Brick Kits - Brick Fest 2004
| (...) Eric- This is awesome! Congrats! And while perusing the shelves of brick I saw that you're offering the Red one with a base?!? That's impressive. Most impressive. I'm curious as to how you acquired the necessary parts? Donations? Or special (...) (20 years ago, 22-Jul-04, to lugnet.events.brickfest, lugnet.market.auction, FTX)
| | | | Re: Biomechanical Brick Kits - Brick Fest 2004
| (...) Thank you Andrew. (...) Yes, and as soon as I get a chance to photograph it properly, you'll see the rest. (...) I have collected Lego for over 25 years. Its time to unload some of it. Biomechancial Brick Kits, custom designs by Eric Sophie. (...) (20 years ago, 22-Jul-04, to lugnet.events.brickfest, lugnet.market.auction, FTX)
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