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 Events / BrickFest / 2372
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Re: general session starting.
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 15:50:41 GMT
3806 times
In, Greg Hyland wrote:
   In, Christian Treczoks wrote:

   Hi, Jake,

how about making the comic public so we all can see what kind of image of us you are spreading? This would be the easiest way to squelch rumours about “Lego making fun of us”.

Uh, I’ll field this question!

That’s exactly what we’re planning to do.

I’m sure we’ll have it ready for BrickFest. The comics were done orignally for a presentation to illustrate a cross-section of what LEGO fans do for the folks at LEGO in Denmark. Jake thought comics would illustrate the points better than any sort of written or verbal presentation. If something is funny, but makes a point, that point will be remembered longer. With it, we hit points about what Mindstorms clubs are like, that games like BrikWarz exist, that people often know more about upcoming prduct than store employees, loyalty to certain lines like Space or Castle, what events like BrickFest are like, that on-line communities like Lugnet and exist, that people organize projects like the Moonbase project, why you shoulnd’t say “legos” and why the colour change issue is important. Anywayze, LEGO appearantly liked it so much that they want it to be printed up as a free giveaway booklet, just like Jake mentioned in his speach.

We have nothing to hide. The comic wasn’t a secret in-club “ha-ha look at our stupid customers” trick. I wouldn’t want to be part of that. I love LEGO, and I share many of the traits that my comic humorously points out. I think that’s why Jake wanted me to write thse strips... I’m a fan and part of the community. I understand more than an outsider looking in.

I just re-read over the three strips I did about the colour change. I don’t thnk any of them are mean or make fun of the character who is conserend about the problem. I made the dialogue to ILLUSTRATE the conserns and problems. Panel 3 Character 1: Didn’t you hear? They modified the colour of the grey bricks Character 2: What?! They can’t do that! After all the bricks I already collected? My castle won’t have consistant colour! Panel 4: Character 2: At least the part of the castle I’m doing all in brown will be okay... Character 1: Uhhh.. You may want to hold off on that part, too...

In another strip: Panel 1 Character 2: I find this whole “new grey” issue annoying. Panel 2 Character 2: It means it’s going to be harder for me to collect the bricks I need in the colours I need for my creations. I’ll end up buying less LEGO sets from stores or their website, and buying more from the secondary market, where I might have to pay inflated prices. Panel 3 Character 2: But at least one positive thing has come from all this... Character 1: Oh yeah? What’s that? Panel 4 Character 2: It’s finally an issue that has united he Castle people and the Space people!

In that last strip, I think I most of the major points accross, and I ended it in a funny punchline.

I think with the strips I found a way to laugh a little at ourselves without being mean. When submitting the scripts to Jake, on almost all of them I added a note “this strip is based on an actual experience that happend to me” and I know I said at least once that this project is closest I’ll ever get to doing an autobiographical comic (except I’m not bald, like the main character). I’d like people to read the comics, laugh and say “oh my god! That’s SO me!”

Now on a seperate issue, what are MY own thoughts on the colour change? I 100% understand the problem. It’s annoying. However, I felt people over reacted on fbtb, so I pointed that out. I think most peole know I really like mini-figures, and I think most of know that the skin-tone is changing for licenced figure this year. My favorite lines are Star Wars, Harry Potter and Spider-Man. The mini-figure skin colour change annoys me. I wish it wan’t happening. However, I’m not annoyed enough, and can’t relate to geting annoyed enough, to making complaint calls to LEGO or leaving the hobby. I think doing that is kind of extreme and, well, funny.

Anywayze, I hope you all get a chance to read ALL the comics and let me know what you think.

-Greg Hyland

Thanks for giving us the details of the comic. You did a great job of getting across our frustrations across to TLC employees.

Based on your comments on FBTB, I was afraid you were going to make a less sympathetic portrayal of AFOLs and their reaction to the color change. Thanks for your great work, and thanks for addressing my concerns in a civil fashion (much more civil than some of your fellow Canadians). I am sorry if you were upset by my post, and I look forward to seeing you and your work at Brickfest.

Marc Nelson Jr.

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  Re: general session starting.
(...) Uh, I'll field this question! That's exactly what we're planning to do. I'm sure we'll have it ready for BrickFest. The comics were done orignally for a presentation to illustrate a cross-section of what LEGO fans do for the folks at LEGO in (...) (21 years ago, 20-Feb-04, to

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