Re: PNLTC show August 4 & 5 at Legoland California
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 14:15:15 GMT
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By the way,
We are having a LUGOLA meeting on August 4th at 1PM about 30 minutes north
of LL. We are happy to have any out-of-towners who happen to be in the area
as well.
Please check out the news group for more information.
Email me if you are interested.
Tony Hafner <> wrote in message
> From the club that crushed the world's record for longest LEGO train track
> last August...
> As mentioned in the current issue of LEGO Mania magazine...
> Join the Pacific Northwest LEGO Train Club the first weekend of August
> (that's like 2 weeks away, folks!) for a mind-blowing show.
> This show will feature:
> - A main layout measuring 57 by 20 feet
> - 550+ square feet of high-detail display
> - Another 50 square feet of static rolling stock display
> - 4 LEGO train clinics each day
> You want cityscape? We've got it all, from small-town Main Street USA to
> Megatropolis to an industrial seaport with 25 feet of water-frontage to a
> charming European town.
> Revisit the Old West, featuring an incredible trestle bridge being crossed
> by steam trains bringing in prospectors hoping to find their fortune in the
> Oregon country. Is that a run-on sentence? Sorry, but I'm just that excited!
> If that's a little much for you, there's the bucolic farmland where you can
> just relax and watch the grass grow and be occasionally interrupted by the
> rumbling of passenger and freight trains passing by.
> What can be built with Duplo, you ask? How about a monstrous watchman's
> crossing shack large enough for a child? That's right; Penneltick the
> friendly club bear will be greeting park-goers inside the pavilion.
> What's coming from us next summer? Will it top our big events of 2000 and
> 2001? We don't know either, but we'll do our best!!
> So don't walk, don't run, but FLY (or heck- take the train... James Mathis
> is!) In any case, get yourself over to Legoland California August 4th and
> 5th to see the coolest LEGO train display of the summer!
> -Tony Hafner on behalf of PNLTC (
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