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LegOz 2000.7
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.general,
Mon, 2 Oct 2000 02:56:01 GMT
120 times
It's nearly here again...That's right, LegOz 2000.7 is less than one week

Date: October 8
Location: 31 Benston St Craigieburn [email me for a map/directions]
Time: start at 1:00pm finish about 6pm [unless it's likely to be good
weather...might get the BBQ out in that case, and start a little earlier.
(about 12) [1]]
Attendees [known as of posting]: Benjamin Whytcross, Paul Baulch, Ross
Crawford, Martin Scragg, Sue Ann Barber, James Ng, Chris [James' friend],
another friend of James [possible], Michael Whytcross [possible], Mandy
Simmons [NLSO]
What'll be there:
Trading [hopefully]
Technic/mindstorms model [possible, courtesy of Martin]
Brickwars [possible]
MOC showcase [possible...Hopefully Paul can show us one of his little
spacecraft that required so many divers sets.]
A chance to meet two new AFOL's [at least 2 AFOL's who've de-lurked since
the last Melbourne LegOz]
Probably a new Fabuland Bondage scene [Mandy's already got ideas, Fabufigs
and chains :( ]
I may even get the blue train tracks out. [About the only time I'm like to
be allowed to :( ]

Any questions...feel free to email me or post to lugnet.

[1] I'll do my best to stop Mandy making it a real lego BBQ :)

Benjamin Whytcross
Ph: (03) 9856 5282
Directory Technology Pty Ltd
1/436 Elgar Road,
Box Hill, 3128

Growing older is compulsory...Growing up isn't :-)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LegOz 2000.7
Hi Ben. A couple of things I'll be bringing: 1. My technic helicopter - no ordinary helicopter, 2. A few other technic sets (constructed) I've acquired lately (seem to be mostly aeronautical), 3. ***** FOR SALE ***** 8299 sub with CD (unopened) (...) (24 years ago, 2-Oct-00, to,,, lugnet.general,

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