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  Re: Walking Robot Competition Results
(...) our next event... (...) Some people have all the luck :D Jetro (15 years ago, 10-Oct-09, to, lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Walking Robot Competition Results
(...) I've posted a short video of my walking robot (but not the competition event) at: (URL) I built the robot after arriving at BrickCon, starting late on the night before the competition. Gus passed the prize on to me because he works for (...) (15 years ago, 10-Oct-09, to, lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Walking Robot Competition Results
(...) Simple: he didn't want it. Perhaps he has enough sensors. -- David Schilling (15 years ago, 9-Oct-09, to, lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Walking Robot Competition Results
(...) ¿Are there any videos of the event? Secondly, I'm a little confused: if Gus Jansson made the quickest run, how come Steve Putz won the prize? Jetro (15 years ago, 8-Oct-09, to, lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Walking Robot Competition Results
Hey how cool! Congrats to the winners and to the contestants. Bravo HiTechnic! (15 years ago, 8-Oct-09, to, lugnet.robotics)
  Walking Robot Competition Results
(...) We had several great entries for the Walking Robot competition at BrickCon. Third place: Bryan Bonahoom at 70.55 seconds Second place: Steve Putz at 39.54 seconds First place: Gus Jansson at 30.79 seconds As they've done for so many previous (...) (15 years ago, 7-Oct-09, to, lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.announce)
  Re: Walking Robot Competition at BrickCon 09
(...) Hi Bryan, I will be there. Not sure if my walking robot is competative but I will enter it. Looking forward to seeing you next week. Gus (15 years ago, 27-Sep-09, to, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Re: Walking Robot Competition at BrickCon 09
(...) Looks like you might win by default! Anyone else out there planning on entering the Walking Robot Competition? -- David Schilling (15 years ago, 25-Sep-09, to, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Dirty Brickster at BrickCon 2009
BrickCon 2009 will again have a Dirty Brickster on Saturday night. If you want to participate, you have to think ahead to wrap and bring something. If you've done it before: worth $10+ to an AFOL. No junk. Please wrap ahead of time. If you've never (...) (15 years ago, 21-Sep-09, to, lugnet.announce,, ! 
  Virtual Lego Room Tour at BrickCon 2009
After the success of the first Virtual Lego Room Tour at BrickFest 2009 we've decided to do it again at BrickCon. When LUGs have a meeting at a member's house, the one thing that everyone always wants to see is the owner's build area. A Lego Room, a (...) (15 years ago, 21-Sep-09, to, lugnet.announce,, ! 

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