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  From GeekDad: BrickFair 2009: LEGO, LEGO, Everywhere!
BrickFair 2009: LEGO, LEGO, Everywhere! By Matt Blum August 25, 2009 As you might imagine, it’s not often that I feel like one of the less geeky people in any room. Yet I had just such an experience this past Sunday at BrickFair. I found myself (...) (15 years ago, 26-Aug-09, to lugnet.general, lugnet.mediawatch,, FTX)  
  LEGO Employees will come to BrickCon 09
I've been given word from Steve Witt that LEGO has some special plans for those who can make it to BrickCon. As part of this, he sent me a list of LEGO employees who will be here for the first weekend of October (1st through 4th). Steve Witt (of (...) (15 years ago, 18-Aug-09, to ! 
Pics from Sunday! 7. Conant Park, Hillside, NJ - August 16th, 2009. KIDS KINGDOM (URL) Park, Hillside New Jersey - 08-16-09>> (URL) Eric Sophie> (URL) Legomaster> (URL) Biomechanical Bricks> (15 years ago, 17-Aug-09, to,, FTX)
  Dwarves for Distance Competition at BrickCon 09!
Hey All! Getting tired of the those pesky dwarf minifigs hanging around and getting in the way? Launch 'em! At BrickCon 09, Castle will be hosting a seige engine competition called "Dwarves for Distance". This event is in honor of the convention (...) (15 years ago, 11-Aug-09, to lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic) ! 
  BrickFair Announcements - BrickFair Passes An Impressive Milestone
Hey all, Just wanted to toot our own horn, I guess. BrickFair has passed the 600th registrant mark. Frankly, I'm a bit amazed. Even with my participation in BrickFest for all the years it was held in D.C., I never would have anticipated the level of (...) (15 years ago, 7-Aug-09, to, FTX)  

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