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 Duplo / *681 (-20)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) Great. Since a 100k pic is worth 100k of words, I'll post some to show how (along with some pics for my son Ross' solution for points, as requested elsewhere) JOHN (20 years ago, 7-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) Thanks for the pics! I must say they look pretty good, even with the squishing. I have an unrelated question though: How do those 1-wide sleepers work in curves? ROSCO (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) I am probably going to have to add a section on modifying the Duplo sets to 9v since it is a new and easy way to get Thomas for a club/layout. Russell (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) lol Hey Russ- I was actually thinking about you when I was building this stuff-- how will these sets affect your LEGO Thomas presentation? JOHN (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) SWEET! I have been thinking about doing something very similiar since I first saw the preview pictures. John, you might get me to go 8-wide after all. ;-) Russell BayLTC/BayLUG (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) They are five studs in diameter. The faces I used on my 6 wide Thomas characters were just shy of 4 wide. I think that these new faces would be virtually impossible to use on 6 wide trains and have the results look good (except, perhaps, for (...) (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: 8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
(...) Works for me. I actually thought about doing that when I saw them in the prerelease photos! But now that you have one in your hand, how does the size of the face compare to, say, a 4x4 radar dish? Rob (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo)
  8 Wide LEGO Thomas! (pics)
Well, my prayers have been finally answered (sorta:-) I had gotten into the habit of firing off an email to Brad Justus every 6 months or so when he was still heading up LEGO Direct begging for TLG to get a license for producing Thomas the Tank (...) (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo, FTX) !! 
  New Thomas trains are out, and 7344 Large Dump truck
I stopped by my local TRU, Mira Mesa/San Diego, on Tuesday and I think I stepped into a time warp. They had all 4 sets from the new (URL) DUPLO line >. As well as the new LEGO (URL) Large Dump Truck, 7344 >! Non of these show up on S@H or any other (...) (20 years ago, 5-May-05, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.trains,, FTX)
  Re: New Duplo© Sets
(...) I hope they end up here eventually. In particular I'm interested in the garbage truck (4659). (cross posted to Julie (20 years ago, 21-Mar-05, to lugnet.duplo,  
  New Duplo© Sets
When I was in Europe lately I had a chance to look at the new Duplo© sets. They are nice sets for town, farm and train. Since my baggage capacity was limited I did not buy any. I wanted to buy them being back in the states. In the local TrU no luck (...) (20 years ago, 20-Mar-05, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general) ! 
  Article about Quatro, Duplo and System bricks compatibility
Hi, Thanks to khan and rob for the translation into English of my article on FreeLUG website : (URL) (20 years ago, 13-Mar-05, to lugnet.quatro, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.people.parents)
  Re: little forest friends, names ?
(...) I have a book that come with one of the sets which list all the names. They are in four families: bluebells, strawberries, toadstools and Meadowsweets. The ones you mentioned above are from bluebells family. Here is the list: Bluebells: (...) (20 years ago, 10-Jan-05, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: little forest friends, names ?
(...) Ray, It looks like has some names in there (not sure if they are accurate or not). 2828 - Trouble Toadstool & Jangle Bluebell 2829 - Melba Strawberry & Dozey Meadowsweet 2830 - Snuffle Snail with Lolly and Baby Jelly Strawberry (...) (20 years ago, 10-Jan-05, to lugnet.duplo)
  little forest friends, names ?
I'm trying to determine the names of the various figs in the Little Forest Friends Duplo sub-theme... The only two that I have identified so far are Boomer and Jingle from 2833. Does anyone have a proper list of the names ? thx, Ray (20 years ago, 10-Jan-05, to lugnet.duplo)
  DUPLO Yoda
My students recently finished a Yoda made of Duplo bricks (I supervised). Is this the second largest LEGO Yoda ever?! :) (URL) More pics: (URL) Corey (20 years ago, 3-Jan-05, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general, FTX) ! 
  Re: Problem Accessing
(...) Okay, works now. Surely I wasn't repeatedly mistyping it? Especially since the link in the lugnet.duplo sidebar was also not working? (20 years ago, 14-Dec-04, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Problem Accessing
(...) Or DUPLONUGGETS.COM? That one works for me. Mark (20 years ago, 13-Dec-04, to lugnet.duplo)
  Problem Accessing
For the past few days, I've been unable to access Firefox gives me a "Address Not Found Error". Can anyone else get through? TWS Garrison (20 years ago, 12-Dec-04, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Duplo Castle set 4776 - and a problem
(...) I brought that set at legoland Windsor and mine had plain black shields too. What a series tho. The castle is fantastic. If only the new minifig scale one was 1/2 as cool. Lego should place the Duplo Castle set designers on work for KK3 (if (...) (20 years ago, 5-Dec-04, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.castle,

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