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 Duplo / *672 (-5)
  Re: New Duplo© Sets
(...) I hope they end up here eventually. In particular I'm interested in the garbage truck (4659). (cross posted to Julie (20 years ago, 21-Mar-05, to lugnet.duplo,  
  New Duplo© Sets
When I was in Europe lately I had a chance to look at the new Duplo© sets. They are nice sets for town, farm and train. Since my baggage capacity was limited I did not buy any. I wanted to buy them being back in the states. In the local TrU no luck (...) (20 years ago, 20-Mar-05, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general) ! 
  Article about Quatro, Duplo and System bricks compatibility
Hi, Thanks to khan and rob for the translation into English of my article on FreeLUG website : (URL) (20 years ago, 13-Mar-05, to lugnet.quatro, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.people.parents)
  Re: little forest friends, names ?
(...) I have a book that come with one of the sets which list all the names. They are in four families: bluebells, strawberries, toadstools and Meadowsweets. The ones you mentioned above are from bluebells family. Here is the list: Bluebells: (...) (20 years ago, 10-Jan-05, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: little forest friends, names ?
(...) Ray, It looks like has some names in there (not sure if they are accurate or not). 2828 - Trouble Toadstool & Jangle Bluebell 2829 - Melba Strawberry & Dozey Meadowsweet 2830 - Snuffle Snail with Lolly and Baby Jelly Strawberry (...) (20 years ago, 10-Jan-05, to lugnet.duplo)

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