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 Duplo / *311 (-10)
  Re: Duplo 3x2's?
(...) I have some plain 1*2h Duplo bricks, plain yellow, used to hold up the canopies in the Duplo zoo circa 1994, but normally these are picture bricks as you say. (...) I don't think they do either! Deidre (24 years ago, 27-Mar-01, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Duplo 3x2's?
There are plenty of 3x2 curved pieces, but I don't think I've ever seen a plain 3x2 brick. As for 1x2, there are 1x2 bricks but they are twice the height of the average DUPLO brick. I've never seen them without something printed on them. I'll dig (...) (24 years ago, 26-Mar-01, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Duplo 3x2's?
(...) Hi! Feel free to post this in lugnet.duplo as it's not a michigan specific question.. in fact I cross posted and set followups there. I could be misremembering but I seem to remember that we have some 3x2 Duplo(tm) bricks in our collection. (...) (24 years ago, 26-Mar-01, to, lugnet.duplo)
  WANTED: 2737 Rails and Crossing
Hi all, <set:2737 "DUPLO Rails and crossing"> is no longer available in Australia -- a tragedy for us DUPLO train fans! Any assistance in obtaining a few sets would be greatly appreciated. --DaveL (24 years ago, 22-Mar-01, to lugnet.duplo,,
  Re: The Toy Book's report on LEGO 2001 (U.S.)
(...) Cf: the excellent movie "Zoot Suit" from 1981, a musical drama starring Edward James Olmos and Tyle Daly, among others. Should be at finer video stores everywhere. --Bill. (24 years ago, 17-Mar-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general)
  Re: The Toy Book's report on LEGO 2001 (U.S.)
(...) Heh, someone should start a webpage that chronicles all the bad names (and why they're bad). Just so we don't lose track. :) --Todd (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general)
  Re: The Toy Book's report on LEGO 2001 (U.S.)
(...) one of (...) Which reminds me: To the Dutch, the name 'Znap' actually sounds like 'is fake'. Pretty well chosen name for a toy which soley existed to beat Knex (and failed). Eric (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general)
  Re: The Toy Book's report on LEGO 2001 (U.S.)
(...) That's what I was referring to in my exclamation: "Are they serious? ...Zooters?!" and "I don't know if I even believe this..." I didn't want to come right out and say it. I'm no history expert. But I figured some people would know what I was (...) (24 years ago, 5-Mar-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general)
  Re: The Toy Book's report on LEGO 2001 (U.S.)
(...) Not a licensed theme that I know of. However, their PR department could use a bit of leg work (from a google search for "zooters", from some history site that I forgot to write down). Seeing as the zoot-suit gangsta rap fad just came and went, (...) (24 years ago, 5-Mar-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general)
  Re: The Toy Book's report on LEGO 2001 (U.S.)
So, what does 'Zooters' mean? Is it a licensed theme, known in the US? Eric (24 years ago, 27-Feb-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general)

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