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 Duplo / *281 (-5)
  Re: TLC re-releasing discontinued LEGO Duplo set!
Town sets from 1978 got new dates when their packaging was changed. They weren't discontinued, just refreshed. (24 years ago, 14-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo)
  Re: TLC re-releasing discontinued LEGO Duplo set!
(...) I guess it all depends on how you define a discontinued set, and even what constitutes a re-release (and does a set have to be discontinued to be re-released?). If we define a set with more than one copyright date as a re-release, then there (...) (24 years ago, 14-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo)
  Re: TLC re-releasing discontinued LEGO Duplo set!
Christian Gemuenden wrote in message ... (...) Well, the Shell sets showing up in the US this year are listed as 1998, 2000 and would count as a re-release. Rose (24 years ago, 14-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo)
  Re: TLC re-releasing discontinued LEGO Duplo set!
Answer to this question Yes Here in the UK i have found a few Technic Kits have been release again with different packaging and Dates E.g. Take the following set 8852 - I have 2 different Box's to this kit, one is dated 1986 and the other i will (...) (24 years ago, 13-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo)
  TLC re-releasing discontinued LEGO Duplo set!
Hi all, although we shouldn't be optimistic becuase the small fact I found out today, I still can't wait to tell you about it! Today, I *might* have found the very first re-released discontinued set ever. It's nothing important IMHO as it's been (...) (24 years ago, 13-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.duplo) ! 

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