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 Dear LEGO / 4855
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Re: wishin' on a star
Fri, 9 Jul 2004 10:49:36 GMT
10741 times
deborah higdon wrote:
please look at the things that i wish for, and help make my dreams come true.
<> wishin' on a star
Well, a lot of the pieces you showed would make sense to complete the
Lego system. BUT we are talking of TLC, so waiting for a solution that
would make sense is most propably a waste of time. Unless of course they
would need one of the bricks for Jack Stone or Bionicle - or not,
because we all learned from TLC that kids are to clumsy for small parts...

BTW, some of the parts might be easier understood if you would show them
with a certain scale, especially parts 4, 20, 21 and 23.

Yours, Christian

Message is in Reply To:
  wishin' on a star
dear lego, one day, when i grow up, i'm hopin' my dreams will come true. i'm hopin' that you'll build some really neat pieces, pieces that'll help us make even more fantastic things with your fantastic toys. i don't know who looks at this letter, (...) (20 years ago, 7-Jul-04, to lugnet.dear-lego,,,, FTX)

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