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Re: Hey Brad! Bring back real garage doors! In sets or bulk...
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 13:19:49 GMT
1114 times
In lugnet.dear-lego, Rose Regner writes:

Frank Buiting wrote in message ...
In lugnet.dear-lego, Tom Stangl writes:

Rolling garage doors are VERY popular.  They are also relatively rare
because they were only available in the 80s.

Yeah, agreed! I recently got the old fire station 6382, but with incomplete
rolling doors :-( These door tiles are HARD to find...

If they can't/won't bring them back in bulk, then either reverse the
Juniorization of Town, and Seniorize it, giving it back all the nice parts
it used to have, or bring out 1 or 2 Town Sr sets a year, with parts like
the rolling garage doors, and NO Town Jr megapieces.

Yup that would be great!
Sorry for this not too constructive post, but I wanted you to know I agree • :-)


Well, I guess that I will add one more non constructive post to this.

IMHO the garage doors are the best town parts that Lego has ever made.

Ummm I am not sure why you think this is a non contructive post. It actually
helps define the definite parts we want to see resurrected and indicates there
is more than one person that would like to see them arrive back on the shelves
or at lest available thru the new Lego(tm) Direct services. Simply saying I
"hate" the jr. style of the new sets would be non constructive.  Better to say,
I personally think the overall value of a particular  set is diminished due to
the increasing number of "specialised parts". One of the great things about
Lego(tm) building bricks is the ability to create something unique that isnt in
the instructions. I seldom actually create the intended model of a set and
instead purchase a set for the paarts I can use in my own creations.I am all
for constructive criticisums( SP?). I mean, we have to define what we dont like
about a set if we expect it to get changed.It might help the designers if we
express what we don't like and maybe offer an alternative solution. I dont feel
particularly qualified to express opinions about the older sets as I only
recently rediscovered Lego(tm) The Adventurers series is the reason I got into
the Mini figs at all( I am both an Egyption symbology and Indiana Jones fan)
and I happen to like the tall wall units that so manys folks are complaining
about. Its much easier to set up long sections of passages or quickly gain
height with these while at the same time, the over all strenght of the
structure is compromised( no linking bricks around the corners) The new style
of cars, wheels and two seater compartments appealed to me more than the
smaller Town wheels. I would like to see more truck and car cabs in the Town
series that use this feature with maybe opening doors. ok .. I see I am
rambling again so let me finish by adding my vote to bringing back the garage
doors. and maybe even expanding them to cover a two bay garage. Part of what I
are working on is a mechanics garage and double width rolling garage doors
would be awesome!!

   Blessings be with you all this Holiday !!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Hey Brad! Bring back real garage doors! In sets or bulk...
Frank Buiting wrote in message ... (...) :-) (...) Well, I guess that I will add one more non constructive post to this. IMHO the garage doors are the best town parts that Lego has ever made. Rose (25 years ago, 23-Dec-99, to lugnet.dear-lego)

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