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Re: 2000 Danish Catalog is online
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 10:14:55 GMT
1949 times
Sybrand Bonsma wrote:

In lugnet.db.scans, Jonathan Wilson writes:
- On page 60 there is a preview of the Action Wheels theme which comes out • in
June 2000. The figures are not normal minifigs, and at first sight it looks • to
me like they have Fabuland bodies.

I guess this is the same as the race featured in the us catalog...

Jonathan Wilson

To me it doesn't look the same. It looks like the Race in the American catalog
is minifig scale. Also in the Danish catalog the parts look much bigger blocks,
and there is also a sort of screwdriver on that page, like the idea behind

Sybrand Bonsma

Aha. Now I know what you are takling about.

Jonathan Wilson

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2000 Danish Catalog is online
(...) in (...) to (...) is minifig scale. Also in the Danish catalog the parts look much bigger blocks, and there is also a sort of screwdriver on that page, like the idea behind Toolo. Sybrand Bonsma (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to lugnet.db.scans)

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