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 Database / Brictionary / 91
  Re: What words describe the Lego elements?
(...) Respectfully disagree. Animals are all related (1), and the nomenclature, driven by the Linnaeus classification system, reflects that relationship. Lego elements, except in limited cases, are not related to each other by derivation or (...) (25 years ago, 4-Feb-00, to lugnet.db.brictionary)
  Re: What words describe the Lego elements?
(...) Nope, "Linnaeus" is spelled correctly. However if the "A" above refers to his first name that's wrong, his first name is Carolus. If not, nevermind. -Chris (25 years ago, 5-Feb-00, to lugnet.db.brictionary)
  Re: What words describe the Lego elements?
(...) It was... 2 letters off is less than 10% margin of error, which is good enough when you're estimating. :-) Are you sure there isn't an umlaut or AE joined or something in his last name? :-) (25 years ago, 5-Feb-00, to lugnet.db.brictionary)
  Re: What words describe the Lego elements?
Larry Pieniazek <> wrote in message Are you sure you're not getting too nitpicky? <gdr> Some people don't even know how to insert umlauts, AE characters and whatever else can't be typed normally, (...) (25 years ago, 28-Jun-00, to lugnet.db.brictionary)

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