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 Dacta / *103 (-5)
  RE: Lego DACTA in Australia
The reason for asking BradJ is that he's responsible for Lego Direct, and in his words: " LEGO Direct is a business unit of the LEGO Company. Among its responsibilities is the management of direct commerce to consumers. These commerce activities -- (...) (25 years ago, 11-Sep-00, to, lugnet.dacta)
  Re: Lego DACTA in Australia
(...) Why would Brad J have anything to do with LEGO Dacta in Australia? Why don't you try to call someone at Dacta in SE Asia? That might actuallt get you a response. (25 years ago, 11-Sep-00, to, lugnet.dacta)
  Re: Lego DACTA in Australia
Kerry Raymond <> wrote in message (...) educational. (...) yes, indeed they do. I have only dealt with Moore Educational and didn't know the other company existed. Is was Moore who said they wouldn't (...) (25 years ago, 31-Aug-00, to, lugnet.dacta)
  Re: Lego DACTA in Australia
(...) Well, I did get a reply from them, so they do reply sometimes. Kerry (25 years ago, 30-Aug-00, to, lugnet.dacta)
  RE: Lego DACTA in Australia
Good...It's not just me who doesn't get responses from MOORE educational. BradJ/Lego Australia, if you're reading this, could you do something about the lack of any form of communication with this company. Even just a reply saying that they don't (...) (25 years ago, 30-Aug-00, to, lugnet.dacta)

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