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 Color / *1423 (-5)
  Re: Bley
(...) Nice work, CM Bob! Spotlighted. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Richie Dulin (18 years ago, 8-Sep-07, to lugnet.color,, FTX)
(2 URLs) (18 years ago, 7-Sep-07, to lugnet.color,, FTX) ! 
  Re: Why do you love bley?
(...) ... (...) I'm not arguing against them, I'm just pointing out deficiencies that too many people ignore or gloss over entirely. Except for the dimmable fixtures in my house, all the rest were converted to CFLs the day I moved in (using bulbs (...) (18 years ago, 20-May-07, to lugnet.color)
  Re: Why do you love bley?
(...) Thanks David. I didn't consciously choose the Navajo Geometric, but that must have been in my mind, because I agreed with that as soon as I read it. (...) True, but one of my goals with this was to build with parts on hand. That's part of the (...) (18 years ago, 13-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
  Re: Why do you love bley?
(...) This is, again, crap. You're making a gross generalization about an incredibly diverse group of people. A large number of people I've personally talked to think the bleys DO work better with Lego's color scheme; their issue with the color (...) (18 years ago, 13-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)

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