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Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 08:32:40 GMT
5515 times
In, Wilson Raska writes:

<bits 'n' pieces snipped here and there>

I really enjoyed the comic and how it was layed out.  If you've ever read a
comic book, you'll note that each book does not have a long, drawn-out plot.
From what I understand, this first comic is only the introduction to
something more to come.

Thanks, and thanks for noticing! :)

You could have at least written a post (nicely)
stating what you didn't like about the story and offering constructive
criticism to Kevin.

Thanks also for the defense!

[...]Just a quick little story about a bunch of
guys fighting, which was definitely eye candy to my eyes.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. That's all it's really meant for, something to enjoy
for a few minutes. I've no grand delusions of changing lives.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
Bryan, First of all, I agree with everything that Nathan said about common courtesy, and I was shocked when I read what you had written about Kevin's comic. Yes comic, not an epic novel which you seem to have been expecting. I really enjoyed the (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to,

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