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Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 14:36:53 GMT
5461 times
Kevin Maynes wrote:


I'm curious how the interface works out for people.

Works ok, but I'd rather go page-by-page - having an option to see a big
version of the entire page. If going frame by frame, I'd rather not have a
new window opened on every page, just keep going on through...

I guess this is going to need some work, you're not the only one having
multiple-window problems. I'm still kinda hanging on to the 2-window idea at
the moment (I thought I was being so clever!). I suppose just one big image
file per page rather than all that futzing around with images panels coding and
whatnot would probably be ever so much easier. Hmm..


Hey Kevin, maybe it is just my particular version of
Netscape(Communicator 4.73) Navigator , but each of the linked pictures
I clicked on (from the "BIG" comic page) opened in the SAME window.
Resizing it as needed. I'm not sure what Shiri and Chris were using, but
this may have something to do with it? I thought it was pretty neat-o
that I didn't have a million new windows opening! In any case, I really
liked the format and would definitely read more in the same style.
Matt Brooks
(A HUGE fan of Web Comics)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
(...) Internet Explorer. Obviously. ;-) -Shiri P.S. Matt - do you like sluggy? ( (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
(...) Thanks for reminding me about that by the way. I'd intended to add a caveat regarding the potential need for a rating, but forgot in mid-post. I just hope my earlier slap-dash reply covers it.. (...) I guess this is going to need some work, (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-01, to,

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