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Re: Ninja Themed Armies
Fri, 2 Mar 2001 15:25:17 GMT
3144 times
In, Sun Yun writes:
I didn't even notice this news group until today.  It's great that there is
a place now where I can be sure to see stuff on ninja and nothing else to
water things down :)

So I was just wondering, how big are everyone's ninja armies?  I asked this
question 6 months ago to the general castle public so I just want to know
how crazy things have gotten for us ninja folk.

Unfortunately my population hasn't budged a bit, just over 100, with about
25 mounted on horses.

Part of the reason is because I just don't see these sets on sale anymore.
The other reason is lego mecha has diverted my attention for a bit :(  I'm
sure i'll drift back into ninja sometime though.

Well, look forward to seeing those numbers!  If there are some of us in
close geographical regions, we should get the armies together and recreate a
scene from "ran".  I always wanted to do that and it would be a great photo
session too.


Hmmmm, I haven't counted it, and I still have a bunch in unopened boxes.  30
cavalry, I know.  Somewhere around 150-180 foot including MIB shirkers,
maybe a third of that Ninja that I'm slowly acquiring helmets so they can be
converted to ashigari spearmen.  Ninja has pretty much disappeared from most
of the local shelves, so I may make one last run to Legoland.


Message is in Reply To:
  Ninja Themed Armies
I didn't even notice this news group until today. It's great that there is a place now where I can be sure to see stuff on ninja and nothing else to water things down :) So I was just wondering, how big are everyone's ninja armies? I asked this (...) (24 years ago, 2-Mar-01, to

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