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Re: pirate + ninja
Newsgroups:, lugnet.pirates
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 16:03:17 GMT
4429 times
"Marc Nelson Jr." wrote:

In, Chris Barker writes:
Has anyone considered that pirate minifigs work well as Portugese
traders and missionaries within the Ninja world?  I did a MoC based on
this which I'll post pics of one day.  Maybe I'll get around to doing
some Nagasaki MoCs since it was one of the few places where Nambanjin
(southern barbarians) were permitted to live.

Chris Barker

Actually, I was just thinking about that whole concept. There is a big Pirate
Game get-together that is supposed to be happening in June, and I was thinking
about the possibility of building an island inhabited by Ninja types. I would
love to see your pictures! Did you build any ships in your MOC? I have really
wanted to do a junk but haven't got around to it yet.

No pirate ships.  I don't have any and they are WAY too expensive in
Japan.  Two pics from that MoC are here
I plan to rebuild and overhaul this idea later since very few of the
photos came out well.


I'm sending this over to .pirates as well to see if there is any interest over
there. If anybody has built anything in this area, I would love to see it.
Thanks for bringing up this topic, Chris, and I look forward to seeing
your pics!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: pirate + ninja
(...) That's a great scene! You can build some neat small ships out of non-pirate pieces - then you could do a Commodore Perry scene. Well, you have definitely inspired me - I already have my pirate crew assembled, and I'm going to start working on (...) (24 years ago, 1-Mar-01, to, lugnet.pirates)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: pirate + ninja
(...) Actually, I was just thinking about that whole concept. There is a big Pirate Game get-together that is supposed to be happening in June, and I was thinking about the possibility of building an island inhabited by Ninja types. I would love to (...) (24 years ago, 28-Feb-01, to, lugnet.pirates)

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