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 Castle / 9928
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Re: Factions
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 15:37:23 GMT
1634 times
In lugnet.castle, Victor Knight writes:
In lugnet.castle, Don Herko writes:

Here goes am developing a Eur-Asian world

Black Knights - Norsemen
196 - 4 brigades of chainmail soldiers and platemail (19 with the armor
vest) cav with black and red striped pirates for navy chainmail torso with
medalion for line officers two endor luke torsos for elite officers
Full Lion Bodies - English (defense archer torsos are Scottish)
158 - 2 briades of full lion body soldiers with one regiment of red
platemail soldiers jar-jar binks torso for navy red imperial soldiers for
navel officers red armada soldiers for army officers red torso ninja soldier
from set 3345 are elite officers
defence archer brigade are highlanders
Royal Knights (and King Leo torsos) - French (and Dutch)
140 This army has most unique units Royal King (set 6008) are all army officers
1st Regiment royal knight red torso with black arms and armada helmets with
one company of cavalry red platemail torso (jousting knight set) with black arms
2nd Regiment royal knights red body and white arms armada helments
3rd regiment king leo torsos a musketeer force with brown and black
adventurer hat
4th regiment Dutch royal knight company white torso blue arms and navy of
blue and white striped pirates leaders are orange torso with ninja armor
"William of Orange"
Fright Knights - Russian
164 all fright knights  4 brigades with five pirate red beards torsos as
senior or flag officers
Black Falcons or Black Eagles - Austrian
125 my favorites 53 original black falcon torso form the soldiers in two
brigades 16 blue plate torso with black arms are the officers in all units
ninja soldiers with solid plate mail are cavalry soldier brigade with the DM
helmets Navy is US Cav officers and blue coated pirates as mates
Blue grey white ninja theme - Japan • 135 all ninja soldiers in 4 brigades
Red Black grenn ninja theme - China • 135 all ninja soldiers in four brigades
Dragon Masters - Prussia
80 all DM soldiers, senior officers are tan with silver plate and navy is
red and yellow pirates
Crossed Battle Axe - Spain & Portugal
81 35 original BA torso 4 new with my Guarded INN... (AAAHHHH) navy is the
original imperial blue soldiers and officers  Senior army officers are blue
and red striped soccer players with numbers covered by plastic capes
Woodsmen - Bavaria
94 green gungan warrior torso are the senior leaders - 4 green soccer
players are the junior officers - 12 balance are all original woodsmen
68 bulls are the pols
32 wolfpack soldiers one is a brown woodsmen torso from Dark Forrest one is
the driver/pilot of the naboo vehicle

In all the navys are generally a pathetic batch of ships
Black sea serpeant - 4
ship from Imperial trading post - 1
Viking voyager - 3
Desert Skiff - 3
Battle Dragon - 5
Black Knight boat 2
and it gets worse

I am looking forward to Mr Sava (Anthony) and Mr Peterson (Kyle) to produce
and sell their torso stickers and helmet creations to expand the world

I enjoy this and as my boys 5,4,3 and even my teenage daughter 13 can play
together on the kitchen table our record is six straight hours ( right
through lunch)  makes it worth every penny I have spent.


68  Bulls - Poland
32  Wolfpack - Slovackia
33  WW Indians Nomads in Middle East Desert

just my thoughts

Cool. You could outfit some minifigs in black (like the Blacktron torsos)
with the Pirate Captain's hat for the elite totenkopf regiments of Prussia,
it would closely match a drawing I've seen of one of the groups. However,
that would be more 18th/19th century, so nevermind. Though I did just give
myself a good idea: Using those figures, the Blues and Imperial Reds from
the Pirates theme, and the Armada for various factions in Imperial period
(18th - 19th cen.) war.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Factions
(...) Cool. You could outfit some minifigs in black (like the Blacktron torsos) with the Pirate Captain's hat for the elite totenkopf regiments of Prussia, it would closely match a drawing I've seen of one of the groups. However, that would be more (...) (24 years ago, 14-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)

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