Re: Factions
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 02:32:15 GMT
1975 times
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> Black Knights--bad guys, the Black Monarch is another noble in the Kingdom of the Lion King, albeit stronger and better equipped than the Black Falcon.
I wonder WHO the Black Monarch is? He has a castle, and he has (or is?)
a ghost, right? I'm not so familiar with the American names of the
For me, the Sheriff of Nottingham wears a Dragonshield and is opponent
to King Richard (Crusader) who wears the Lionshield of course. Therefore
the Forestmen represent the outlaws rallying round Robin Hood (In German
Catalogue "Robin Hood" was mentioned by name).
The Black Falcons (Eagle Knights) are another tribe of Normanic barons
as well as the Dragon Knights (Black Knights) are ("Waldemar Fitzurse").
But not as evil as the Dragon Knights. And so are the Classic Knights of
And the Wolfpack Renegates were used as Anglosaxian .... missing word
... sorry... "Freisasse" in German ("Cedric of Rotherwood"). People who
settled in England with large landed properties before William the
This is how i used to arrange my knights in my childhood. Based upon
"Robin Hood" and "Ivanhoe"...
Then came the Dragon Masters. They use a very similiar crest to the
Black Knights but I wouldn't them class with the BKs. They are too
"fantastic" compared to the BKs.
Royal Knights: Good. But not resident in the same country as the
Crusaders. Maybe in France. Due to old rivalry waging war with the Lion
Fright Knights: Demonic. Fighting against all other tribes. Came from
Knights' Kingdom Knights: Good. Same Family as the Royal Knights (as can
be seen at the very similiar crests)
Bulls: Evil. Eventually Normanic War Lords. ("Reginald Front-de-Buf"
See "Ivanhoe")
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| (...) I think the black monarch is just the warrior king of the BK. He has a pet ghost, or at least mine does. Somebody help me out with this one. The BK are almost unanimously classified as evil. Why? They have always seemed so chivalrous and good (...) (24 years ago, 13-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)
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| (...) This is fun! I have been an avid Castle collector on and off for 21 years, so here is my take on the various groups. Classic castle--the forefathers, the most revered and experienced of all the knight groups. The purple crown insignia is the (...) (24 years ago, 13-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)
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