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 Castle / 959
    Female Knight for Castle 2000 —Steve Bliss
   (...) About the female knight (see (URL), set #6091, the knight in the lower-right corner, as you look at the castle). It *is* a woman mini-fig. The armor, printed on the torso, is nothing compared to the new maiden torso's tight corset, but it (...) (25 years ago, 13-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Female Knight for Castle 2000 —Shiri Dori
     (...) set (...) from (...) All Right! Yes! Finally, lego seem to be (at least a bit) evolving from their "boys are fighters, woman stay at home" theme. Also, two females in one castle set is great for me, especially considering the only castle girl (...) (25 years ago, 13-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Female Knight for Castle 2000 —James Brown
   In lugnet.castle, Steve Bliss writes: 7 (...) Excellent. I've got a character just waiting for a face like that. (The smiley w/bangs just doesn't cut it as a 'tough medieval mercenary') James (URL) (25 years ago, 13-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)

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