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Re: Will LEGO Media stop making non-violent games?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 05:00:58 GMT
82 times
In lugnet.castle, Nick Cameron writes:
   I used to think that the LEGO Company promoted non-violence. Most of their
games do. But why then, did they put the explosion function in LEGO Creator and
LEGO Creator Knights Kingdom? I don't have a problem with blowing up walls, or
even buildings, but has anyone noticed that you can also blow up people and
animals? Go ahead, stick a horse in front of a cannon. Press fire. Little
shards of plastic horse fly all over. Was that LEGO's idea?
  The origanal LEGO Creator ran so slowly on my computer I didn't dare blow
something up. It is a great program, much fun, but have you looked at the
pictures when it's installing? A group of female cooks, "dressed in yellow
clothing", surrounded by dinomite. Who's sick idea was that?
   Lastly, in Alpha Team, they say the orbs "break the spell" on the zombies.
What I see is they look kind of drunk with purple stars around them, then they
pop and are gone. Ogel also dies at the end.
   Who are the people that put these "secrets" in the games? Whoever they are,
they're giving lego a bad name.

LEGO® should stop making media and instead attract more media exposure by
making sets like it's 1989! -Harvey

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Will LEGO Media stop making non-violent games?
(...) The original LEGO Racer game was a success and as a parent I can say that it is good family fun. It captures the feel of some of the best LEGO themes and brings it to life in the way that it should. What LEGO has done with many other of their (...) (24 years ago, 14-Jun-01, to, lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Will LEGO Media stop making non-violent games?
I used to think that the LEGO Company promoted non-violence. Most of their games do. But why then, did they put the explosion function in LEGO Creator and LEGO Creator Knights Kingdom? I don't have a problem with blowing up walls, or even (...) (24 years ago, 13-Jun-01, to, lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce)  

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