In lugnet.castle, Nick Cameron writes:
> I used to think that the LEGO Company promoted non-violence. Most of their
> games do. But why then, did they put the explosion function in LEGO Creator and
> LEGO Creator Knights Kingdom? I don't have a problem with blowing up walls, or
> even buildings, but has anyone noticed that you can also blow up people and
> animals? Go ahead, stick a horse in front of a cannon. Press fire. Little
> shards of plastic horse fly all over. Was that LEGO's idea?
> The origanal LEGO Creator ran so slowly on my computer I didn't dare blow
> something up. It is a great program, much fun, but have you looked at the
> pictures when it's installing? A group of female cooks, "dressed in yellow
> clothing", surrounded by dinomite. Who's sick idea was that?
> Lastly, in Alpha Team, they say the orbs "break the spell" on the zombies.
> What I see is they look kind of drunk with purple stars around them, then they
> pop and are gone. Ogel also dies at the end.
> Who are the people that put these "secrets" in the games? Whoever they are,
> they're giving lego a bad name.
LEGO® should stop making media and instead attract more media exposure by
making sets like it's 1989! -Harvey
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