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Re: LOTR Trailer 2
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle
Fri, 25 May 2001 17:52:43 GMT
87 times
In lugnet.castle, Mark Sandlin writes:
Hi Everyone,

Here's a link to a German site featuring mirror links to the new Lord of the
Rings trailer.

Unfortunately, they're all in Real (Crappy) Player, so the image quality
isn't very good.

Still, this is all very exciting.

Woohoo!  Shweet!!

I can't wait for it to come out!!  :D


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LOTR Trailer 2
(URL) go here and download the quicktime version. Been out for a while now. I have had it for several months and figured it was common knowledge. -Mike petrucelli (24 years ago, 26-May-01, to, lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  LOTR Trailer 2
Hi Everyone, Here's a link to a German site featuring mirror links to the new Lord of the Rings trailer. (URL) they're all in Real (Crappy) Player, so the image quality isn't very good. Still, this is all very exciting. ~Grand Admiral Muffin Head (24 years ago, 25-May-01, to, lugnet.castle)

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