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Re: Why aren't we going crazy?!?
lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle,
Thu, 24 May 2001 12:34:21 GMT
81 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

In lugnet.pirates, Scott Arthur writes:

I think in the long run it will be good. We may see the return of parts
which we never thought we'd see again... and some we do not want to see
again (Fabuland!). As these sets will have minimal development costs, we may
even see slightly cheaper Lego... but I doubt it!

I agree, except for the bit about Fabuland! My daughter LOVES Fabuland, and
I can see why some like it. May not be my cup of tea, personally, but if
some comes back, great!

There are a lot of great Fabuland parts, some of the popular Fabuland

Curved car roof
Ships wheel
Decorative 1x4 brick w/3 lobes
Car exhasut pipes
Curved top "saloon" doors
Jail cell door
Spiral stairs
Airplane engine housing
Saddle bags
Straight stairs
Large umbrella tops
Pipe wrench
Circular Sign
Wine Jug
French Bread
3x6 decorative column
Some nifty printed tiles

I'm sure I've missed some parts, and a few of these may not have
originated in Fabuland, but I hope you get the idea. Incidentally, the
above list comprises something like 1/3 of the Fabuland specialty parts.

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why aren't we going crazy?!?
(...) I agree, except for the bit about Fabuland! My daughter LOVES Fabuland, and I can see why some like it. May not be my cup of tea, personally, but if some comes back, great! PS don't tell Sheree R. of your anti Fabuland stance. :-) ++Lar (24 years ago, 24-May-01, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle,

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