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 Castle / 7522
    Re: Help —James Brown
   (...) <set:6097 Night Lord's Castle>. All of the studs on it will have "LEGO" in tiny letters - as far as I know, all Lego pieces that have studs, have "LEGO" on the studs. James (24 years ago, 26-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Help —Ray Sanders
   (...) I used to think that also. Lately, I have run into a number of pieces that are absent the Lego mark. The most common is the 1 x 1 round brick. They have a hollow stud on top and no place to put the Lego mark. Another example I came across last (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)

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