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 Castle / 20795
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A whole plethora of Castle MOCs...
lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce.moc
Thu, 24 Mar 2005 18:27:41 GMT
!! (details)
6600 times

Hi all,

I built most of these ages ago but never got round to posting them (sorry) so here is a quick selection:

A Forestmen Lair:

A Tournament Supply Co. using the new ‘teeth’ pieces:

Another lair, but this time for those crafty Wolf Pack’s:

Also a small vignette “Royal Privy” this examines the real cause behind the Lancelot/Arthur fallout... Also note the benefit of fertilizer, you can even grow a tree in a moat:

A small Peasent’s Barn:

The Sultan’s Alliance Co. (for when you have that perfect raiding target in mind and just need a few more troops to make it work...)

And if your interested an early snowbaording knight:

and a Mission Impossible style Crown heist:

If you liked any of them, or hated them all, let me know...

Thanks and God Bless,


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: A whole plethora of Castle MOCs...
SNIP (...) SNIP I really like how the teeth pieces work here. They make surprisingly good 'banners'. I'd be surprised if other castle folk didn't pick up on this idea and use it. I like the others too, but this is my favorite of the bunch. Jason (20 years ago, 24-Mar-05, to lugnet.castle, FTX)  
  Re: A whole plethora of Castle MOCs...
(...) Nathan, This is indeed a plethora! I like your lairs, from the beginning images they look like a plain landscape, nothing more to see, then you notice the hidden entrances. The Royal Privy makes me laugh, especially the scatological parts. The (...) (20 years ago, 25-Mar-05, to lugnet.castle, FTX)

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