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 Castle / 17809
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Re: Royal Hunting Retreat MOC
Sun, 24 Aug 2003 16:10:45 GMT
1164 times
In lugnet.castle, Travis Kunce wrote:
   Hey all,

I’m pleased to present my first real .Castle themed MOC in quite a long time.

The Royal Hunting Retreat.

Travis.. this is one crazy MOC. usually i prefer simplicity of design over such craziness, but this MOC has one thing that few castle MOCs have had in a long time -- and it has it in abundance:


Angled walls going up, going down.. plate walls, mixture of plate/brick walls - that door.. EVERYTHING about this MOC takes the basic form of castle structure and turns it on its head. This single MOC will be giving me ideas for creations for a long time - each individual concept worthy of its own MOC.

Welcome to castle, Travis.. I hope you enjoy the stay.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Royal Hunting Retreat MOC
(...) walls - (...) structure (...) creations (...) lenny, Thanks so much thats some really big cudos, and I hope that I can keep it going for a long time to come. I learned a lot about how to approach this stuff recently and walked away with a new (...) (22 years ago, 25-Aug-03, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Royal Hunting Retreat MOC
Hey all, I'm pleased to present my first real .Castle themed MOC in quite a long time. The Royal Hunting Retreat. (URL) started as a single wall to showcase the plate style castle wall / window design that I had been thinking about. Somehow it just (...) (22 years ago, 23-Aug-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce.moc, ! 

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