| | The first Mobile Medieval Market shop! With Elephant!
Hi All, Here, for your approval, is an idea I have been thinking about for a while. This is a merchant on his way to the Medieval Market. (URL) you can see, he and his servant are loaded up on the elephant with all their goods and baggage. This (...) (22 years ago, 16-May-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.adventurers)
 | | Re: The first Mobile Medieval Market shop! With Elephant!
(...) You're going to make me buy some elephants, you know. Thanks, George (22 years ago, 16-May-03, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: The first Mobile Medieval Market shop! With Elephant!
(...) Really great idea to combine the elephant with the Medieval Market shop. Now we have mobile market:-) Yaron "Webrain" Dori (22 years ago, 16-May-03, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: The first Mobile Medieval Market shop! With Elephant!
Josh, Is this the beginning of a traveling caravan for the MM? Very innovative shop and keeper you got there! Regards, ACPin & Sons (22 years ago, 17-May-03, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: The first Mobile Medieval Market shop! With Elephant!
Well...I don't think so. I think Abdul is going to travel alone. At least for now. I might get one more elephant. The scorpion palace comes with a light grey one, so I might get that. We'll see. Thanks for the comments! Josh (...) (22 years ago, 17-May-03, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: The first Mobile Medieval Market shop! With Elephant!
Thanks, Yaron, I appreciate it. I thought a mobile segment of the market would be cool. Now, let's see some others! Josh (...) (22 years ago, 17-May-03, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: The first Mobile Medieval Market shop! With Elephant!
Thanks, George! Sure, go buy some elephants, they aren't that bad. They impressed me more than I was expecting. I think Hannibal crossing the Alps would be a really cool layout if someone got motivated. Anyone? Josh (...) (22 years ago, 17-May-03, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: The first Mobile Medieval Market shop! With Elephant!
(...) Very nice... But now everyone will say I copied you when I post my 'Elephant shop' (all rights to idea reserved : ) ). Seriously though, very good. I like the way you tied it in with your existing shop instead of making a new one. Thanks for (...) (22 years ago, 18-May-03, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: The first Mobile Medieval Market shop! With Elephant!
Hey Nathan, Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I was out of town this weekend. (...) That is why I posted this quickly. I afraid someone would beat me to it! Where you thinking of making a shop selling elephants? If so, rights or no rights, I was thinking (...) (22 years ago, 20-May-03, to lugnet.castle)