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 Castle / 16193
16192  |  16194
Re: I've started the my first MOC: "White Lion Castle"
Fri, 7 Mar 2003 19:37:51 GMT
860 times
Sehr gut Kai! Ich hab's gern!

I'm glad that you're starting to show some of your own creations. I'm looking
forward to seeing the finished castle, the level of detail you've included so
far tells me that the final version will be something to see!


... now you'll find the beginning of my "White Lion Castle"
on my Homepage ( german - translation in progress ).

just click on "Ritter" and "MOC's NEU" and there is the beginning of my first
keep :)

Message is in Reply To:
  I've started the my first MOC: "White Lion Castle"
Hi, I'm new in creating MOC's - I've collected some Castle-Sets and made a few Lego Mindstorms Robots but now you'll find teh beginning of my "White Lion Castle" on my Homepage ( german - translation in progress ). (URL) click on "Ritter" and "MOC's (...) (22 years ago, 7-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)

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