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 Castle / 15327
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Re: Help Wanted for Website Information
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 15:19:04 GMT
1124 times
In lugnet.castle, Matt Hein writes:
In lugnet.castle, Alex Polimeni writes:
Thanks for the information :)
How can i get a webpage on Ozbricks? I currently do not have the cash to
get a licence on here. Nice website, though!

To acquire a free page, you'll have to click on the
'free website hosting tab', then submit some
information, and wait for verification via email.
Any suggestions for my member site? Always looking
for comments.

And, do i have to do much webpage construction?
Sorry if im not very good at this sort of thing.

Neither am I...that's why I decided to go along
with FTX instead of HTML. For me, it's just not
worth the headache.

(hoping you don't need to be proficient woth
HTML to edit an ozbricks site, though.)


<<_Matt Hein_>>
Fellow lego enthusiast

Thanks again!
  Im not sure, but it looks like i have to have the website already made.
Could you confirm this? thanks.
I was just browsing through "the complete idiots guide to creating a
webpage" and i can see its rather of a headache. i can tell this by the fact
the book is over 400 pages long.

Attempting to find his missing lego figures,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Help Wanted for Website Information
(...) To acquire a free page, you'll have to click on the 'free website hosting tab', then submit some information, and wait for verification via email. Any suggestions for my member site? Always looking for comments. (...) Neither am I...that's why (...) (22 years ago, 20-Dec-02, to lugnet.castle)

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