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 Castle / 1462
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Re: "Evil Timmy" Red Bull
Thu, 6 Jan 2000 14:12:53 GMT
1054 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Johnston writes:

He's in the 'Axe Cart' set, if that helps.

There's a pic at

...but you can't make out too much detail.

He's got silver eyes, a little smile, and this sprinkling of black dots
between his eyes and smile that look like freckles.  Someone (Craig
Hamilton?) suggested that it was messed-up moustache stubble, but I prefer
the 'evil Timmy' idea[1].

I think I am in the minority here but the "Evil Timmy" fig does not bother me
to much.  With his helmet on it just looks like facial hair to me.  His face is
not the overly cutesy little boy face of Timmy.  Some others say they think his
torso looks like a pineapple and while I see where they are coming from I again
don't find it that bad.

I actually like this head better than the eye patch dude for an army because
unless they belonged to some really wierd evel cult where you had your left eye
poked out when you became a man the heads don't make sense.

I think my biggest problem with the Moo Men is the helmet most of them where
with the clip in the front (Don't know the technical term).  I especially don't
like it with that horn sticking in it.  I much prefer the "barute-?" or
"bullet" helmets or even the new "dinner-plate" helmet.

For anyone that doesn't want your "Evil Timmies" please feel free to send them
my way I will give them a good home.

Eric K.

The New England LEGO Users Group

View My Creations at:

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "Evil Timmy" Red Bull
(...) He's in the 'Axe Cart' set, if that helps. There's a pic at (URL) you can't make out too much detail. He's got silver eyes, a little smile, and this sprinkling of black dots between his eyes and smile that look like freckles. Someone (Craig (...) (25 years ago, 6-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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