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 Castle / 13735
13734  |  13736
Re: Yet another chapter and onother/Ch4
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 20:17:26 GMT
874 times
In lugnet.castle, Daniel Ravenda writes:
In lugnet.castle, Benjamin Medinets writes:
In lugnet.castle, Daniel Ravenda writes:
In lugnet.castle, Bruce Hietbrink writes:
In lugnet.castle, Daniel Ravenda writes:
I know no one realy cares but I just put all my time into chapter 3 legend
of the griffin. it is labled ch3.  so enjoy it and look out
for chapter 4 tommrow


I downloaded ch3.doc and it comes up looking like a Word file, but my Word
(Macintosh Word 98) says it's not a Word file.  What is the file type?


It is a Microsoft word file bruce. Although I want everyone to enjoy my
chapters I don't know what to do maybe someone else douse.

Ch4 is now avalible so you all can read it

If it is just a text file (in a word document),
to make it more generally compatible, you need to make through
Windows notepad.  It will create the text file in a more universally
recognized format... in .txt

Benjamin Medinets

It is no t just text. Each chapter has pictures also fully edited mite I add.

I know your thinking get a web page but it is to much trouble.

Its a shame, you don't have a Lugnet Account, so you can post your text to
LUGNET and then DEEPLINK from Brickshelf like I is soooooooo easy!!!
(hint...hint:  GET A LUGNET membership...only $10....if you can afford to
go to Brickfest, there shouldn't be any reason you can't afford to be
a LUGNET member)

You can post all the pics you want, and the FTX system is really quite easy
once you get the hang of it....

sounds like an interesting Brickfest talk....  FTX for Dummies... (well, for
the masses anyways!!)

Benjamin Medinets

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Yet another chapter and onother/Ch4
(...) It is no t just text. Each chapter has pictures also fully edited mite I add. I know your thinking get a web page but it is to much trouble. (22 years ago, 14-Jul-02, to lugnet.castle)

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