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 Castle / 13615
  Music in the Castle Room
What did everyone think of having music in the Castle Room last year? Was it beneficial or detrimental? Is there interest in playing medieval- or fantasy-themed music again? And if so, anyone want to volunteer to bring a CD player? :) Jeff Stembel (...) (23 years ago, 3-Jul-02, to lugnet.castle,
  Re: Music in the Castle Room
(...) I live around the corner from BF and am happy bring my stereo if people want one there (but someone, please remind me closer to the date). As for the music, i don't remeber what kind of music we had last time, I seem to remember that we didn't (...) (23 years ago, 4-Jul-02, to lugnet.castle,
  Re: Music in the Castle Room
(...) If you can, that'd be great. :) Jeff (23 years ago, 5-Jul-02, to lugnet.castle,

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