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 Castle / 13017
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Re: Brickshelf Pictures
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 23:44:32 GMT
625 times
Hi Tamy,

"Mookie" <> wrote in message
I'll be waiting for some new pics!  I understand the need
for lighting... my old camera was that way, I actually had
to wait till it was sunny to take my things outside for
decent light.   Then I learned how to use a normal
incandescent light mixed with florescent light to get some
halfway decent pics inside.  Then I bought a new camera!
so now I get decent pics everywhere :)

Before I got this camera I made LEGO pictures with my
scanner. So with all it's drawbacks having this camera is
still an improvement for me, I can now take pictures of
Of course I'd like to have a new, better camera, but
those are pricey and I did something that makes buying
one almost impossible: considering the amount of bricks
I can get instead.
This camera and the quality of the pictures will have to
do I'm afraid, 'cause I already got those bricks :o)

Please post when you put the new pics up, I'll be more
than happy to check them out!

Didn't have the chance for taking new pics last week tough.
As you probably have read I instead decided to post an
announcement for 2 new MOCs (including the one you
'discovered')  now on my brickshelf.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brickshelf Pictures
(...) I know that feeling, considering the number the bricks I could have gotten for the money I spent on the camera, though where's the fun when you can't show off what you did build too? I'm not complaining in the least about the pictures you've (...) (23 years ago, 27-Apr-02, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brickshelf Pictures
(...) I'll be waiting for some new pics! I understand the need for lighting... my old camera was that way, I actually had to wait till it was sunny to take my things outside for decent light. Then I learned how to use a normal incandescent light (...) (23 years ago, 21-Apr-02, to lugnet.castle)

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