Re: Your Opinion Please :)
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 19:12:16 GMT
1012 times
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> Should I get the "King Leo's Castle" (6091) set or 18 of the
> "King Leo" (6026) set?? The castle set has the King, Queen,
> Princess, both Soldiers, but the structure doesn't look good.
> If I get a bunch of the small set I get a small army. Either
> way it's $99 from Lego S@H.
If ordering from S@H consider getting the castle - you need something to have
your army stay in, defend, or attack. I would wait to get the 6026s when K-Mart
runs one of it's many 20% off sales - and then stock up.
From my experience, as cool as armies are, they still need a purpose - like a
city, a castle, or something of that sort. It's a nice prop for you to start
building around.
... then come the smaller shops, maybe a little church (sounds familiar - all
Eric K. needs is a castle now;) and you are set. You have your own little
kingdom. THEN focus on an army.
My $.02 about castle.
-- pn
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Your Opinion Please :)
| (...) K-Mart (...) I'd have to agree... get the castle. Reasons why: - roughly 550 pieces vs. 342 pieces, same cost - If you don't have the castle, you won't get the brown falcon, the princess, the queen, or the other cool 'good' knight... you also (...) (25 years ago, 31-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Your Opinion Please :)
| Should I get the "King Leo's Castle" (6091) set or 18 of the "King Leo" (6026) set?? The castle set has the King, Queen, Princess, both Soldiers, but the structure doesn't look good. If I get a bunch of the small set I get a small army. Either way (...) (25 years ago, 31-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
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