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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 3041
3040  |  3042
Re: How would you do it?
Thu, 2 Jun 2011 21:03:59 GMT
21762 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

I think the ambient light color is the color of the surface, which in
this case is white already. I am confused about what diffuse does,

If I understand it correctly, 'ambient' is what you see if all lights are
off. I usually turn this down very low (zero). 'Diffuse' is reflected light
other surfaces, you'd want quite a lot of that.

with just a default surface I was getting a lot of reflections

Yes, I think the default 'reflection' value is too high in many cases.

Note: ultimately I would actually like my shadows to be slightly
fuzzy, not sharp edged, so I am guessing maybe I should be using an
area light placed a very long way away.

I'm still using the old POVRay 3.5 where the 'experimental radiosity' is
usable for getting life like renderings (at the cost of loooong rendering
times). I belive newer versions use other means to achieve the same thing

I'm still very proud of this render:

The general settings for that render is:

#declare AMB = 0;
#declare DIF = 0.8;

global_settings {
  assumed_gamma 1.2
  ambient_light 0
  max_trace_level 25
  adc_bailout 1/150

  radiosity {
    pretrace_start 0.08
    pretrace_end 0.01
    count 300
    error_bound 0.1
    recursion_limit 1

and *no* light sources except for the sky sphere

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient -y //weird sky vector...
    color_map {
      [0.5 rgb 1.25]
      [1 rgb <.5,.7,1>*1.1]

(Just let me know if you want the full POV source for it)

And I guess to get the shadows to be light I should place some low
intensity shadowless
lights at other positions?

Straight above (but far off) would be a candidate for this. And as said
above, with 'radiosity' no lights at all are needed.

Anders Isaksson

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How would you do it?
(...) Hi Anders! I sent a note requesting it to the address shown in your post, is it still correct? Mine is, so you can use that one to send it. I really like the way that image looks (as well as the next one in the Brickshelf gallery) so would be (...) (14 years ago, 3-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How would you do it?
(...) I am considering using parallel instead of a light source that's very far away... I don't think Jeroen used "parallel" for his source(s) because the shadow angles are steeper in the foreground. (this will be less pronounced with light sources (...) (14 years ago, 2-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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